Ashtar Guides and Guardians

Guides and Guardians is the topic for our first Zoom event of 2021 .  That’s right, with Ashtar as your guide this is your opportunity to see who is helping you as we step into 2021.`This is just like the sessions we offered in person before the Covid shutdown.  Now you can do it right from your computer!

Join friends from around the world

With our New Year message from Ashtar we were pleased to host visitors from around the globe as Ashtar discussed the symbolism within 2021. He led us on a guided meditation for releasing the past and even shared a joke or two.  Now it’s your turn to learn about your most effective pathway for 2021.  You are more effective in your spiritual growth if you rely upon the assistance of those guides.

What’s included?

Ashtar will deliver a message to the group, then tell you individually who are your current guides and guardians, then he will answer one question for each participant.  The question can be about anything, from what is my best path for the year to where are my car keys.

One of the most fun parts of these session is that other people will be asking questions you might not have thought to ask.

How long is the session?

Some of that depends upon the number of people we have sign-up.  Based upon our previous attendance we are anticipating the entire session to last right around two hours.  6:00PM-8:00PM Pacific time.  There is no predicting how deeply Ashtar will go into your Guides and Guardians. He will take whatever time is necessary for you to hear what you need to hear as well as have your question answered.

Joining the Ashtar Guides and Guardians session

On the website just go to the store and find the tab called “January Session.”  Click that tab and follow the instruction to pay for your session.  Just before the Zoom session you will receive the Zoom link.  Subscribers to the updates will be receiving a special discount code.  The regular price for this session is $40.00 but those who have subscribed will receive a $10.00 discount.  Watch your in-box for your special discount price code.

Maximize your year by joining us for the Ashtar Guides and Guardian session.  Sunday, January 31 from 6-8 PM pacific time.  I hope to see you there!

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
