Getting in the flow

Now that my Jet Lag has been overcome I have the opportunity to take a closer look around me and remember some of the things I truly love about being in Japan; such as the countless Shrines and Temples which are a part of everyday life here in Japan.  I saw this beautiful “pocket Shrine” on my walk around Gotunda yesterday and wanted to share it with you.  I view these omnipresent represntations of spiritual practice as a reminder that the presence of God is in us all the time, not just in Japan, not just in America, not just on Sunday or Saturday, but all the time.  Ashtar constantly reminds us that when we are in doubt, in fear or loneliness, anytime we seek to remember we are not alone, that God is present and that all we have to do is ask and listen.  The answers will come, our peace will be restored, our doubts will be eliminated.

My fall tour continues with Anemone magazine in Gotunda through Sunday October 1.  If you would like to inquire about availability please call 090-6514-1295.

Many blessings of Universal Love,
