I love my life!

The past week or so I have not been posting anything because Ashtar and I have been on the road. Our first stop was Seattle where we had a delightful group in Polsboro, just across the Puget Sound from Seattle. I have to say, I WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN! The whole event, from the ferry crossing from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, the drive with our hostess Tracy to the session, then nine beautiful souls was so very rewarding. Welcome to the Ashtar family!
Then my husband Brian and I drove across three states to visit family in Boise, ID. If you have never been able to take time to explore the beautiful Northwest US, let me tell you, it is magnificent.
In Boise we finally met our latest grandchild, Lincoln. Actually he was at our wedding in Fallbrook, but he was still in his mommies tummy at the time. We got to spend real quality time with Lincoln, his two siblings, and his parents for three days before returning home. Paying attention to our personal ascension process is important, but just as important is sharing love with those who have chosen to be part of our lives on this earth journey.
In less than three weeks I return to Japan until Christmas Eve. I just got my schedule for this fall/winter tour and we have so many opportunities available to visit with Ashtar and me. If you are in Japan I hope you will take some time to join us. The schedule will be available on the events page of Ladyashtar.com in a day or so.
One more thing; I have really taken to doing live feeds through FaceBook. I hope you have added me to your viewing list there as well so you can keep up with our travels.
Many blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂