The Ascended Masters

Right now I am traveling from Osaka to Yokohama by train.  This visit to Osaka was truly one for the books.   During my time there I was honored to participate in the matriculation of a dedicated group of students who have spent over two years in a course of study about Ascended Masters and a Clearing Course releasing Karmic debts.  As part of the completion of the series Ashtar channeled 17 Ascended Masters for us.  I do wish I had been there, but as you know, while Ashtar is speaking, I am out in the Universe playing with the Angels.

I want to thank every one of these beautiful people who stayed with our course of study for such a long period of time.  I honor you for your dedication, your commitment to yourselves and to the ascension of our planet.  The changes I have seen in each of you fills my heart with love.  A photo from graduation is posted below.

I have six more days in Japan to meet you.  Studio Kara can help arrange a visit with Ashtar and me in Yokohama.  The final four days will be in Tachikawa with Be-loved.  I hope to see you before I return home for the winter!

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂