Visit with Ashtar!


If it is hot and steamy where you are, as it is where I am, here’s a way to cool off, have a visit with Ashtar!

This Saturday, August 22, 2020 from 6:00-9:00 Ashtar and I will be on Zoom for an amazing group session.  Ashtar will give a welcoming talk, then tell each person who their guide is at that moment.  After that, you will have the opportunity to ask one question; a question about ANYTHING.  Ashtar, in his loving way will respond to your question.

Imagine sitting in the comfort of your own home speaking with the Ambassador of Love!  Now that’s WAY cool!

You can reserve your spot in the group by going to my web site,, click on the Store tab, then select the image of me looking towards the heavens.  That’s the link to your cart.  You can use PayPal to pay for your session and a link will be sent to you so you can join in the fun on Saturday.

If you are a subscriber to my web postings you get a 10% discount on this session; only $45.00!

This session is limited to 20 participants and only a few spots are available so don’t wait.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
