Off to Sapporo

As hard as it is to imagine, these are my final few days of sessions for the Spring/Summer tour of Japan. My heart is filled with all the love Ashtar and I have been shown these past fourteen weeks.
Just for fun, here is a quick list of the places we have visited: Tokyo (several locations), Tachikawa, Kunitachi, Kuwana, Nagoya, Sapporo, Osaka (several times) Fujinomiya, Nara, Sagimihara, Higashihiroshima, Matsuyama, Hachioji, Kumano-Tenkawa and Tsurumi. I am amazed and filled with gratitude as I look back over this list! And of course my heart is lifted as I remember all those who came for sessions with Ashtar and me in levels one and two of the Ashtar Realignment Program. Level three begins in October.
Ashtar and I just finished the weekend in Kuwana with Ms. Yuko Hiralion. She was so wonderful at being a hostess she even took my side-kick Yuka Okawa Rienhart and me to the airport for our flight to Sapporo.
At the end of this week, after three days of sessions with Tengoku Ito (who is a master at the singing bowls), I am off to the US until September 17. On July 14 I will be speaking at the Greater Pittsburgh Center for Spiritual Living. After the 10:30 service Ashtar will be doing a group session. The following Sunday, after a week with the All American Soap Box Derby, I will be at the Summit Center for Spiritual Living in Akron, Ohio. The times and locations are listed on my events page here on the Lady Ashtar web site. I would love to see you at these events if you are anywhere in the area.
So, a few more pictures to share and it’s off to more adventures. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂