
We are reaching a point of completion.  Days are getting longer and in some parts of the country the weather is beginning to improve.  Flowers are blooming, birds are multiplying.  Even if the calendar doesn’t agree we are concluding winter.  Can you feel it?

This weeks video

In this weeks video Ashtar speaks about the Spiritual Principle of Completion.  He invites us to begin to take stock of where we are and where we are going.  What things are yet to be done to achieve our goals?

This doesn’t just include taking steps to be beachwear ready, although that is a good example.  With longer days we are indeed more apt to be outdoors more.   Then there is the natural change in our body’s rhythm.  Spring calls us to be more active than during our hibernation period of winter.

If our bodies are reacting to this change in rhythm it stands to reason that our minds are also seeking additional stimulation.  Have you considered what loose ends you might have to tie-up  before jumping into the energy of spring?

Completion as a Spiritual Principle

Perhaps you have never considered completion as a Spiritual Principle, but it truly is,  Moving forward with our lives without properly preparing can be as painful as beginning a marathon without completing your training.

Where do you want to be physically and emotionally when next winter rolls around?  What steps can you take, right now, to help yourself prepare?  To me the greatest Spiritual Principle is love.  The promises we made ourselves to forgive more rapidly, to love more openly, it’s time to wrap up our preparations and put them into practice.

I hope you enjoy what Ashtar has to say this week in his Spiritual Principle video.  As always, if you want to review the Principles leading up to this weeks, you can do so on my You Tube channel anytime.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
