I just love saying that word, Amanohashidate! My travels have taken me to what I think of as the south western portion of the main island for two days with Anemone Magazine and our guide Okayama-San to one the most amazing areas in Japan. This is a “sand bar” planted with over 8000 pine trees right in the middle of salt water. In one of the pictures you can see the narrow band of land. That was taken from a mountain top we reached by riding a chair lift.
I am also including some photos taken by one of the guests ( Uchida Izumi) while we were on Okinawa at the beginning of April. This particular woman hails from New Zealand and another guest was from China. Perhaps Ashtar will be traveling to new sites very soon! I will not go into a lot of detail about the images because the beauty and adventure I am enjoying speaks for itself.
Next up is Kuwana.
Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂
Okinawa is very tropical, here we are on excursion in a jungle.