Back to Osaka

Yes, here I am in Osaka once again. The Dynavision crew and my friend and interpreter Yuka Okawa Rinehart have been taking such good care of me, and I am having a ball! The City is decorated with festive Christmas lights, even though Christmas has a different cultural emphasis here than in the U.S. That’s one of the things I really enjoy about Japan, they celebrate all the holiday.
I will have more about my time in Osaka in my next post, but this video from an Ashtar session may help reduce some of those anxieties that arise during our holiday season. It sometimes seems everyone wants us to be something we aren’t, or at least aren’t anymore. On your pathway to Ascension please remember, you are most powerful when you live as your authentic self rather than as someone you think others want you to be.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂