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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium
Self Care
You know that Self Care means being aware of your physical being. Have you considered how important it is to be aware of your Spiritual...
You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing. But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as...
Self Healing
The Spiritual Principle of Self Healing is essential to our happiness because if we are empty we cannot give to others, or even...
Slow down
It’s time to slow down. Since the middle of September we have been on the fast track of time . Halloween decorations went up then only...
Nurture yourself
Taking care of others is wonderful, but don’t forget to nurture yourself as well. The glass becomes empty As we give to others we draw...
Random Acts of Kindness
For the first week of February 2023 Ashtar wants to talk about Random Acts of Kindness. We never know You know, a subtle act of kindness...
What do you want to give?
As you look around your life , what do you want to give? The well of love Well, we are reaching the end of January 2023. Right over the...
Who is most important?
Ask yourself, “Who is most important?” Are you going to say, “my children?” or “my family?” Take a moment and think about it honestly....
Almost Christmas
It’s Almost Christmas! Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think...
Prepare for the holidays
As you prepare for the holidays give love, give joy and most of all, offer compassion. It’s the holidays, what’s to worry? Yes, it is...
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