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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium


You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing. But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as...

The Spiritual Principle of Patience
Following the Spiritual Principle of Patience can make your life so much more pleasant. God give me patience Have you ever heard yourself...

The Creator
So often Ashtar has told us; you are the creator. The Challenge for December In this, the third intention for December 2023 Ashtar is...

Almost Christmas
It’s Almost Christmas! Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think...

Ashtar and his guidance
Ashtar is always available to you with his loving guidance, did you realize that? These past few months, with the Covid-19 issues, the...
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