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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium
Prosperity and Abundance
If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog...
Rejuvenate yourself
It’s time to rejuvenate yourself! All this month Ashtar has been speaking to us about how we deal with other people. We have looked at...
Self Care
You know that Self Care means being aware of your physical being. Have you considered how important it is to be aware of your Spiritual...
Spiritual Principle of Truth
The Spiritual Principle of Truth is a real thing. Breaking it down There is truth. That’s where what we say to each other is real. Then...
Knowledge is all the stuff you have learned through your years, facts, figures, dates and the like. Not the same What we are talking...
The Spiritual Principle of Patience
Following the Spiritual Principle of Patience can make your life so much more pleasant. God give me patience Have you ever heard yourself...
Acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. Learning to look for the good I fully understand that the idea of acceptance of what is...
Slow down
It’s time to slow down. Since the middle of September we have been on the fast track of time . Halloween decorations went up then only...
Sharing the Joy
I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying. but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family...
This is the season of Celebrations; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many others. With all this celebration comes...
What brings you Joy? Is it activities, people, locations, situations? Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers....
Reflection is a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t get stuck there. Looking forward This week Ashtar’s Intention revolves around...
Reach Out
It is time to reach out to those who will support you in allowing your Inner Child in play. Labor Day At the end of this week we will be...
If you were to simply embrace how powerfu l you are, it would rock your world. Powerful Powerful is a word Ashtar uses often. Almost...
Expressing Love
What does Expressing Love mean to you? The many flavors of Love Expressing Love comes in many different forms. It might mean romance ,...
The Wisdom of Ashtar
I am delighted to say today’s video goes back to The Wisdom of Ashtar series format. Tried and true For many years Ashtar and I sent you...
Spring begins
This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in...
Mother Earth
We call it “Mother Earth” for good reason. She is not only our home but our sustenance as well. Week 4, February 2023 I think by now we...
Such a busy week!
I don’t know about you, but in my home this is such a busy week! Take the time Even when your life gets busy, there should always be the...
Your 2023 Intention
Your 2023 Intention from Ashtar is ready! The New Year Message session Last Wednesday evening an extraordinary group of people joined us...
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