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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium
Recognize the Good
As we recognize the good in our lives, something magica l happens. There is more good in our lives! The power of perception Oftentimes...
What brings you Joy? Is it activities, people, locations, situations? Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers....
I know you create your life. You know that what you experience is a direct result of your viewpoint. Now, it’s time to put these truths...
When Ashtar gave the the title “Expansion” for this video I have to admit the first thought was about my waistline! I certainly don’t...
Emerge and Fly
If you have been following Ashtar’s guidance it is time for you to emerge and fly! March has been busy The month of March has been a busy...
Spring arrives
The month of March is when spring arrives. For some it will be blustery, for some the air will be placid and warm. Spring means rebirth...
Mother Earth
We call it “Mother Earth” for good reason. She is not only our home but our sustenance as well. Week 4, February 2023 I think by now we...
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