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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium


Celebrating Love
Thank you Annette Higby and Laine Gonzales for creating this special day for me. We had such a wonderful time sharing feminine love....
Ashtar Group Event: March 17th, Valley Center
Valley Center, CA: March 17th: 6pm-9PM Deahn will be hosting a group event at her at the Top of the World Peaceful Hideaway Bed &...
Ashtar Group Event: March 18th, Bonsall
Bonsall, CA: March 18th: A group is being held at Annette Higby’s home at 3pm. Location details: Contact Annette at 760-941-2661 or...
Becki Kapono's Group Event: March 20th, San Diego
Join us at 7PM for an evening with Ashtar! Please RSVP by texting or calling Becki at 858.231.9676. You may also send her an email at...

Rainbows in My Kitchen Window
The wonder of God’s light in my kitchen. Rainbows in my kitchen window. Thank you Marina Montaine, also knows as Medicine Wind, for...

On the Way to Japan
Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons is on the way to Japan for another visit. The first stop is Oahu and this beautiful view of Diamond Head from...
Ashtar Group Event
March 2nd: Dolores Fazzino’s group session will be held at 6:15pm. Please RSVP for this event as space is limited. Please contact...
Hilltop Spiritual Center: March 9th, Fallbrook
Fallbrook, CA: March 9th: Hilltop Spiritual Center: Workshop 6:30 – 9:00pm. This workshop will be a Karma breaking session with...
Emunah Malinovit's Group Event: March 8th, Carlsbad
I hope you’ll join us for Emunah Malinovitz’s group March 8th at 7PM. Please RSVP for this event as space is limited. Please contact...
Ashtar Group Event: Carlsbad, March 8th
Carlsbad, CA: March 8th: Emunah Malinovitz’s group session at 7:00pm Please RSVP for this event as space is limited. Please contact...
Ashtar Group Event: Ramona, February 26th
Ramona, CA: February 26th: A group is being held at Paula Berliner’s home. Location details: Contact Paula at 760.415.4392 or by email...

Bear and Butterfly The Relationship Handbook
Bear and Butterfly visits the beach! My new book release is perfect for your getaway times. Available at Amazon books NOW! Braxton and...
Ashtar Group Event: Carlsbad, February 24th
Carlsbad, CA: February 24th: A group is being held at Alex Roehr’s home. Location: 6878 Embarcadero Lane., Carlsbad, CA 92011 Contact...
Ashtar Group Event: Carlsbad, February 22nd
Carlsbad, CA: February 22nd: Emunah Malinovitz’s group session at 7:00pm Please RSVP for this event as space is limited. Please...

Count the Miracles
Spring is on it’s way. My almond tree is in bloom. Winter apples and more to come in the spring and fall. What a wonderful world we live...
Ashtar Group Event: Temecula, February 19th
February 19th: Pam Stevenson’s group session at 2:00pm will be filled with joy and wisdom. Location Details: 29714 Dawncrest Circle,...
Symphonic Gong and Ashtar Channeling
Rancho Bernardo, CA: February 12th: A special sound vibration mediation with the Gong, then Ashtar will discuss what each person...

A Meeting of the Universe
Three of todays most powerful Channels working together today in Los Angeles, CA. Keiko Anaguchi (Rainbow Angel) Darryl Anka (Bashar) and...
Keiko Anaguchi, Dr. Terrie Symons, and Daryll Anka: Channeling
Los Angeles, CA: February 10th: Special event with channels Keiko Anaguchi, Dr. Terrie Symons and Daryll Anka. Time: 12:00PM – 4:30...
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