On the air with Terrie

In the middle of doing private sessions and the Ashtar Realignment Program events I was honored by an invitation from my good friend, event organizer, and entrepreneur Tatsunori Okuyama to appear on his YouTube television show Spiritual TV.  We had such a wonderful time together.  If you would like to see the program click on this link: 




If at any time I have given you the impression that my time here in Japan is all work, that is incorrect!  Some of the most delightful experiences I have also take place walking to and from the salons, and even from the window of wherever I happen to be.  I have attached a couple of photos that show how much fun daily life can be for me.  One photo is of a huge, whimsical stuffed gorilla similar to those I wear on my purse that I discovered while on my way to lunch one day.  The other is a picture of what I think of as a “Butterfly Sunset”.  Beauty and fun are all around us all the time.  I encourage you to take a moment in your busy lives everyday to embrace your surroundings.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂