If you take a look at Facebook, Terrie Symons page, you will see hundreds of beautiful photos taken at our Shinto Wedding which was held on the 29th of June in Osaka, Japan. Terrie and I am so very grateful for the love and support we got from so many people as we prepared, then floated through this most beautiful and joyful day. The staff at the Righa Royal Hotel in Osaka, especially Rachael, was first class. Terrie wore a traditional wedding Kimono, all white including the hood, I wore the traditional Hakima right down to the Graham family crest on the jacket for the actual ceremony (which you can watch on Face Book) then we changed into our “party clothes” for the reception. Terries gown gave new definition to her title Lady Ashtar. She was a vision in white, and angel.
The photo on this blog is of Terrie and I lighting the wedding candle, I think it is one of my favorite images of the day.
Now we are in Tachikawa, just outside Tokyo, for a few more days until we return to the US. We have scheduled as many groups and private sessions as possible for the couple of weeks we will be home, then it is back to Japan in August to do more sessions and the huge Iyashi fair which will welcome upwards of half a million people over one weekend. Lady Ashtar will be speaking to 500 Ashtar fans on Saturday as well as doing small group sessions throughout the weekend. We hope to see you very soon at a session or two!