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Ahoy matie!

Brian Graham and I enjoy Sagamihara, which is where I have been working, because it sounds like the name of a Pirate town. Honestly, it holds very special memories for us, not the least of which is Tenku Salon and Junko Shimoyama and Zoshi-chan who operate this salon in the sky. We do our sessions in the penthouse, offering us vistas of distant Mt. Fuji, a lush, fertile valley and a city redefining itself after being primarily a US Army Base town. Today this wonderful place is looking to the future, including the arrival of a “Mag-Lev” train system. I can’t wait to ride on that!

Now it is on to Yokohama where I will be working at Grand Rino with Tomokiyo Nishida and his incredible Salon of Crystals. It was Nishida-san who stood in as my father at our Shinto wedding last year. More special memories, filled with love.

As a reminder to my friends in Japan, there are only 13 more days of sessions on this tour, I would love to see you!

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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