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And now its Gotunda

My interpreter Yuka Okawa Reinhart and I are now in Gotunda, Japan. Group sessions, private sessions and workshops are part of these six days in the greater Tokyo area, and we are having a blast! Each morning I walk from my hotel in Hero-o to the subway, travel one short stop then board the JR to Gotunda. Then it is a ten minute walk to our salon. Sunday Ashtar did his famous (and famously wonderful) Karma Breaking sessions. Usually I can do 7-10 private sessions in a day and not feel the least bit tired, but with the Karma Breaking workshops Ashtar jumps around, chops the air and moves all around the room. As I pulled up the covers to sleep, I must admit this body feels his activity.

Anemone, the publisher that hosts me here, has again chosen to feature me in this months magazine with a five page interview and photo spread. Even though this makes the ninth time they have done so over the years, I find myself deeply humbled by this honor. Thank you Anemone!

My next stop on this summer tour will be Higashihiroshima with Keiko Matsuda. Rose in your heart is the name of that salon, so if you are in the area, please stop on by!


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