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Celebrating freedom

As June marches into the past I am here in wonderful Tachikawa, Japan enjoying my time with the delightful Takako Taniguchi and Hiromi Taniguchi who own Beloved Salon.  I am like a little girl with the present they gave me.  It is a headset and microphone so Ashtar can be heard as we do our big groups!  To you it might not be much, but to me, and to Ashtar, it was very special.

I mentioned earlier that I could see Mt. Fuji from my hotel window.  Although we have been having rain frequently, I caught a glimpse of her the other morning.  I was a little slow getting to my camera so by the time I could take this picture clouds were coming in again, but you know what, I think she looks great!

I titled this blog Celebrating Freedom because in a few days America will be celebrating the Fourth of July.  Lots of people will be celebrating freedom of many kinds, but Ashtar has a thought to share about the freedom from Drama.  In this video he talks about the importance of leaving drama behind to enhance your ascension.  I hope you enjoy!

Next up on my schedule will be three days with the Yao-san and Kotoha-San in Kunitachi, just one stop up the JR train line.

Many blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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