In the Divine Love rules all. Is it any wonder that Ashtar has decided to conclude this month's Intentions with Divine Wisdom?
As Ashtar's physical voice here on planet Earth much of the time I am simply an observer. I prepare myself physically for the recording session then step aside. My Husband, Brian, then does the editing of the video so when finally I do see what He has shared I am in the same position as you as you watch. As a viewer, just like you, I take such delight in what Ashtar shares and this month especially.
February is the month of Love, at least that's what we call it. The truth is that every month is the month of Love. Every day is the day of Love. Every moment is the moment of Love. Our ascention is founded in love, as it the ascention of our Planet into a Planet of Light. As we keep our intention on the quantum shift this will take it's easy to understand why these reminders of Love are so important. Love is pure Divine Wisdom.
This week, as with last week, Ashtar speaks about the frequency and vibration that either attract or repel Love. I don't think I need undescore the importance of learning to give and receive Love with grace and ease. That being said, I do find it important to remind myself about the receiving portion of Love. Because we are vibrational beings in a physical body it is up to each of us to receive Love. I have had so many opportunities recently to vibrationally feel the people around me. Some give their love freely while others seem to kind of hold their love in. Putting our love out only to encounter resistance eventually results in an unwillingness to offer Love at all.
When we resist our natural inclination to share Love, harmony suffers. So, here's a thought; if you would like to see our world goverened by Love an important step is to make sure we do our part to receive Love. Let yourself be a big 'ol Love sponge. Comit yourself to being the perfect receptor of Love in every interaction. Bottled-up Love is still Love but how much more effective might that Love be if it were encouraged?
Would you like this to be a Planet of Love? Be the change you want to see, offer and receive the Divine Wisdom of Love every moment of every day with each and every person you meet.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,