If you have been following Ashtar’s guidance it is time for you to emerge and fly!
March has been busy
The month of March has been a busy one for me. I have been doing many sessions with my friends in Japan as I prepare to return for a brief Spring tour in April. Brian and I took a wonderful cruise along the Mexican Rivera and I have been putting the final touches on a project that has been two years in the making. More about that in a little bit. Suffice to say, Ashtar and I have been very busy.
The fourth March Intention
Spring is the time when new life shows up all around us. This month we have been preparing ourselves to be part of the new life; Rebirth. Just like the flowers in the field, the blossoms on the trees and the birds in the sky, we too can be reborn. Ashtar has guided us through introspection of our lives. He has encouraged us to look inside to find out what is important to us. Given us cause to reflect upon what we would like to see in our lives. And opened the door to our Spiritual Connections. Now, in the fourth week of March we are ready to Emerge and Fly.
Please take two minutes to watch this weeks edition of Ashtar’s Intention Series. Just click the link below.
The big announcement
I mentioned being busy completing a project that has been going on for almost two years now. Finally the work is completed and is ready for unveiling. The Ashtar Venusian Symbol Cards are on sale. Well, to be honest, they are on pre-sale through Amazon.jp.co. These beautiful cards are a Tarot Deck that will let you look into your own progress, see what’s working and what’s not working. We will be unveiling the decks in Japan during my April tour. When I get home I would very much like to set up some Zoom sessions to teach you how to use them.
Not only is the artwork amazing and the teachings profound, but they come with the cards and a booklet to teach you how to use them.
I am offering two ways for you to pre-order these magical cards. The first is to log into Amazon.jp.co (the Japanese version of our dear friend Amazon) and purchase them there. This link should take you there: アシュタール金星シンボルカード or try this link https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4839701849?linkCode=sl1&tag=sk08-22&linkId=e81bca29e8a620888baed6c207e14a40&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl¤cy=USD.
If you don’t want to set up a foreign Amazon account, I have an option to pre-order your own deck of the Ashtar Venusian Symbol Cards on my website store. When I return from Japan I will be bringing a supply of sets with me and will fulfill your orders. Each deck is $66.00 which includes shipping in the US. The cards are in Japanese and English as well as the guidebook that goes along with the cards. This is a fantastic way to really Emerge and fly!
Here’s to you my friends!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#IntentionSeries #lives #encouraged #Amazon #Magical #Japan #cruise #TerrieSymons #trees #spring #AscendedMaster #birds #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #guidance #intorspection #reborn #VenusianSymbolCards #tarot #cause #spiritualconnection #March2023 #blossoms #emerge #busy #TranceChannel #flowers #April #tour #fly #rebirth #important #reflect #profound