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Gratitude is a wonderful word and an even a more wonderful feeling. Right now I am filled with gratitude for the fantastic experiences and the people I have met while on my spring tour of Japan 2018. Saying thank you is simply not enough, I want to say I love you all. Beginning with Dynavision, Studio Kara and Beloved which arranged my events. I love you. To the hostesses and hosts who make my days go by seamlessly. I love you. For my interpreters; Yuka Rinehart Okawa, Yuka Kondo, Yuko Sakamaki, Chizuko Hanaoka and Yoshi Aoki. Thank you, I love you. And certainly to each of you who have blessed my life by coming to see Ashtar and me, thank you, I love you. In a day or two I will be posting photos of those who have been so supportive during my stay, so watch for that.

Right now I am just getting settled on the big island of Hawaii to meet my husband, Brian. I envision volcano watching, snorkeling, sun bathing and fine dining as I get readjusted to US time zones, and rest, lots of rest. Then it is back to California where we will be celebrating Ashtar Appreciation Day.

Arrigato my loved ones, thank you for an amazing spring. See you at the Iyashi Fair in Tokyo as I begin my summer/fall tour.

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