First of all, let me apologize for the lack blogs this month. Ashtar and I went to Albuquerque in January and met with so many delightful people. During the visit we video taped hours and hours of Ashtar talks which we have been editing to share with you. I hope you will find as much inspiration in these talks as we have.
The video I want to share today was taped at a beautiful Spiritual retreat called The Source.
Valentines Day has come and gone, and if you have not experience Cupid’s arrow yet, this teaching by The Ambassador of Love may help you change things this year. If you have been lucky enough to find that special someone, there is a message in this video for you too.
I am so excited about the new material we have to share with you, and please know, even if I do not blog as often as I would like, you are always in my heart.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂