Introspection sounds like a medical procedure, doesn’t it! Well, that’s what Ashtar is asking us to do this week in his Intention Series.
Last week
Last week Ashtar, the Ambassador of Love, reminded us that if we were farmers we would be able to see the progress of our crops. Our crops, of course, are the advancements we make inside. Are we deepening our Spiritual Understanding, are we becoming more attuned to the Universe. We are doing so many things to deepen our lives but the results are sometimes difficult to see.
This week the Ascended Master invites us to spend some time in introspection. Review where we have been, look to where we want to go. The video below may just help elevate you in amazing ways. Enjoy the watch as you do your introspection.
Taking a break
These past months I have been working with my clients in Japan doing all sorts of fabulous programs. This benefits you because the programs I have been developing now come back to the USA in the form of a new series of opportunities. As I take a brief break from Japan, the long promised Ashtar Venusian Symbol Card reading program is ready to happen.
On July 26 from 6-9PM Pacific time I will be offering an on-line session to learn how to fully use these stunning cards. Of course you will need your own set of Venusian Symbol Cards to participate.
In my on-line store there is an offer for the Venusian Symbol Cards and Introducing the Mysteries. If you click on this offer you will receive both the on-line session and the cards for only $110.00. Please don’t wait long to make your order because we need time to send a set of these cards to you. I promise, you will not be disappointed in what you can learn from these cards and my session.
Make it a wonderful summer
Make it a wonderful summer as you continue to do your introspection and follow Ashtar’s videos. Just a reminder; all the videos are available on my YouTube channel anytime you wish.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#review #IntentionSeries #opportunities #Japan #growth #TerrieSymons #Universe #AscendedMaster #procedure #advancements #understanding #programs #SpiritualGrowth #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #crops #AshtarVenusianSymbolcards #progress #attuned #medical #AmbassadorofLove #participate #introspection #TranceChannel #elevate #amazing #Video