You can join Ashtar Live Thursday February 16 from 6:00-9:00PM.
The February session
Back by popular demand, Ashtar will be live and in person for the Month of Love session. Without question the most frequent topic during Ashtar sessions revolves around love. When will I find Love. Where will I find Love. Is my love secure. Being that Ashtar is the Ambassador of Love I guess this is no surprise!
Join Ashtar Live for this amazing session. Get a personal message from Ashtar. Hear what he has to say about setting your intentions. Ask a question. It’s all in our February Ashtar Live session Thursday February 16. You can secure your live or Zoom session through my store at
Keep following the Intentions
February marks the fifth month of weekly Ashtar Intentions. If you are a subscriber to you are already getting this amazing teachings every week. If you are not a subscriber, why not?
Perhaps you have missed some of Ashtar’s Intention Series. Well, no problem! You can view the entire series on YouTube. Just go to Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons on YouTube and binge the entire series.
Intimate Ashtar
The video which follows was done during a recording session with Ashtar when he “let his hair down” to reveal why this series is so important to him. (and to you!) It’s a side of Ashtar you may never have seen. Enjoy!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#benefits #society #planet #Subscriber #TerrieSymons #understand #AshtarIntentionseries #Earth #teachings #AscendedMaster #popular #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #share #teamplayer #intimate #think #love #perceived #intentions #Zoom #express #actions #life #message #AmbassadorofLove #time #heart #consciously #proactive #relax #important #Video #grateful