It really does pay to listen to Ashtar. When this Covid thing began he was telling us to take the usual Flu precautions; wash our hands, keep our distance and wear a mask. When the vaccines became available he told us to get vaccinated. I followed his advice and it paid off.
In the middle of October this year I contracted Covid-19 (Delta). Brian and I had attended a reunion and relied on our vaccinations to protect us. We didn’t wear our masks during the event. Brian got through without so much as a sniffle, but I ended up in the Hospital for an entire week. The Doctors tell me that without the vaccinations I would not have survived. Recovery has been long and slow but I am back to full health again. I thank those few who were aware of what was going on for their love , prayers and support.
Another opportunity to listen to Ashtar
We had to cancel the October Zoom session during my recovery but as they say, “I’m back!” We are rescheduling an Ashtar Guides and Guardians session for Tuesday November 23, 2021, 6:00-9:00. Just a week away. If you signed up for that session your reservation is still active, but if you missed the sign-up we are open once again. You can get your reservation through my website, Go to the store and look for the “November Zoom” listing. As we had planned in October, if you are a regular Ashtar follower the fee is $50.00. If you want to bring a first-time visitor we will give you a 10% discount for two people; that $90.00 for you and a new friend of Ashtar. To get this discount click the “November Zoom Plus 1” button and complete your purchase. I so hope to see you there.
What is this session?
This will be a Guides and Guardians session. Ashtar will give a message for the group, an individual message to each participant and take one question from each participant. We have so much fun during these sessions, it’s a great way to introduce your friend to my friend, Ashtar.
So, what’s the take-away?
The take-away is; Listen to Ashtar!!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,