As hard as it is for me to imagine, my time in Tokyo is coming to an end. Normally I change locations and hotels every three to four days, but this time I have been in the same place for a whole month. Most of that time I have been working through Dynavision, and what a time it has been! Lots and lots of private sessions, a couple of excursions, a day long retreat, some group sessions and an amazing evening seminar.
During the evening seminar I had a special guest; a gentleman by the name of Ando-san who attended an Ashtar session a year ago. At that time his life was pretty much a mess; no work, no relationship, and he was feeling very lost. Ashtar broke this cycle and today he has a beautiful relationship, new wife, a great income, a Porsche, and he is loving life again. You can see Ando-san and his Lady in one of the photos as Ashtar speaks with him about the changes in his life. It is a real success story. Thank you God!
Ashtar has been talking a lot about love. In fact the evening session Dynavision hosted that dealt with love, partnerships, romance and the influence of our home planet on love drew 150 participants.
At one of our workshops Ashtar became Doctor Ashtar, donning a pink stethoscope and looking into each guest. It was really so much fun!
I am in deep gratitude for the Dynavision team for all their hard work, dedication and creativity in arranging our sessions.
By the middle of this week I will be packing my bags (I wonder if I will remember how to do that!) and heading to Nagoya. After that it will be on to Osaka.
Right by my side through all this beautiful work has been my trusted friend and interpreter Yuka Okawa Rinehart. I owe so much of my enjoyment of these past couple of months to Yuka, she has been so many things to me; interpreter, guide, dinner companion, sounding board and friend. Thank you Yuka-san.
So, I share a few images of my recent activity and send my love to you.
Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂