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On the move again!

What wonderful week this has been. After our fantastic visit to Tenkawa we spent three days with the beautiful Ms. Naho Kiriyama in Matsuyama. There, I got to celebrate my birthday for four days and took advantage of each day. I want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart to everyone who took time to send me birthday wishes, you gave me such great joy.

From Matsuyama, we took a high speed ferry to Hiroshima. One of the delightful things about this time of year in Japan is that the Oysters are in season, so naturally we had to support the local economy by indulging. I have included a photo of the display case where we choose the Oysters we wanted to enjoy raw but we were told it’s best to cook them so on the bbq they went. We were told that it was the last day of Oyster Season. With me was my interpreter and friend Yuka Okawa Reinhart, and another beautiful friend and staff from KARA was Megumi Kawai. You can just see on her face just how yummy these treats were!

After lunch, it was off to the Hiroshima Peace Park. This was not my first visit there, but each time I find a greater depth of understanding about the park and what it represents. The souls of those who perished here in 1945 call out to be remembered. I find a curious stillness within me as I stand before the Peace Arch and the “Bomb Dome.” Will you join me in affirming that our planet must never again have this type of event occur?

On a lighter note; I hope you have been getting my daily affirmations. These delightful images are created by Yuka Okawa Rinehart. They are posted on my FaceBook page, Terrie Symons-Lady Ashtar. If you have not visited already, please do, and feel free to “Like” my page.

Ashtar and I are working in Higashihiroshima, a short distance away from the Peace Park with Ms. Keiko Matsuda and her daughter Erina at her Rose in Your Heart salon through the weekend, then back to Tokyo.

May peace and love fill your being,

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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