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Thank you Dyanvision!

Last night Brian and I had the most heart-filling experience. The wonderful people at Dyanavision, who support weeks of the Lady Ashtar tour here in Japan, hosted a wedding party for us. When we arrived the entire crowd was clapping and cheering, sending us so much love! The party was at the Pancake House, which may seem a little odd to westerners, but I have to say the meal was fantastic; the staff came up with an Italian/American/Japanese combination that was sooo yummy. OSHI! Brian and I shared stories about our courtship, then Ashtar came in and spoke to the group. I am told he was very funny, very excited to be with everyone, and kept the place laughing. At the end of the evening we cut our wedding party cake, took about a zillion photos with our friends and headed back to our hotel. It was only then we realized neither of us had brought along a camera to capture the amazing gifts we were given, the smiles we shared or the food we got to enjoy, however we do have a few photos of the beautiful flowers that were gifted us to share.

To all our friends who got to attend the Tokyo version of our engagement, Thank You so very much!

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