I cannot say thank you enough times to fully express my gratitude for all the love Ashtar and I have been shown during my spring 2018 tour of Japan for the past three months. We have met with well over 750 people, conducted 17 group sessions, gone on 5 excursions to some of the most beautiful places in the world and and a evening seminar with Keiko Anaguchi.
I want to recognize the wonderful people who have acted as my host during this tour so I have compiled a photo album of them as a fond memory and recognition of their service toward raising the vibration of our planet. Please note that if you find yourself missing it is simply that I do not have a photo of you in my files. I would love to include you in my next posting of gratitude.
To all of you who have taken part in our sessions; I love you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I will be returning to Japan in July for more sessions, the Iyashi Fair at Big Site in Tokyo, and even more opportunity for Ashtar to speak directly to you. I hope you will join us then.