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The Living Heart

Writer: Terrie Symons-GrahamTerrie Symons-Graham

Updated: Feb 17

Can you think of a better time for Ashtar to discuss The Living Heart? This week we will be recognizing Valentines Day, which always brings to the forefront Love and how it lives within us.

This month Ashtar is devoting his talks and intentions to The Living Heart. Last week he spoke about the Divine Heart and how it works within us. We know that love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. Love overcomes doubt, fear, anger and feelings of separation. It is love which binds us all together. We are speaking here of more than the shape of a box we might gift this week, we are speaking of a power which we all want to experience, and that, as Ashtar would say, is powerful!

Love which comes with strings attached is not love at all. That kind of love is mearly window dressing for control. Undconditional Love is the goal. To love thy neighbor as thyself. To recognize that each of us is an essential part of the Light. To remember Ashtar's words that "No matter how bright the light, it is incomplete without you." Yes, love is a many faceted thing.

Speaking of Valentines Day, I love that Ashtar does not say we need "that someone special" to live in love. We have our loved ones, present or departed, through which we can express love. For each person we reach out to, or who reaches out to us, we share love. So why do we so often choose to place conditions upon love or insist that it show up in a particular manner? It doesn't matter if we are at home, at work, traveling or just sitting on the couch, Love is Love and it is everywhere.

As I sit here writng this blog what I feel is love for you. It doesn't matter if you have visited with Ashtar and myself recently or months or years ago. I love that you are there, that you are doing your best to grow and understand the ways of the Universe. As I look at photos of past events my heart comes alive as I recall how special you are.

Happy Valentines Day!

Many Blessings of Universal Love,



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