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The Takahatafudo experience

It is difficult to believe I have already been in Japan for over a week now! Seems like I have been here all along, that is how much Ashtar Family and friends make me feel welcome here. I am working around Tokyo at this time. A day or two ago I got to spend some time at Takahatafudo Temple, one of Kukai’s places. Kukai and I have a deep and wonderful connection because he too is in Ashtar’s lineage. At this temple we got to etherically visit all 88 Kukai Temples. This little statue represents one of those temples. We also got to participate in a cleansing ceremony conducted by one of the monks.

Thank you Dynavision and my interpreter Yuka Kondo for a wonderful day.

At the very start of this tour I had the privilege of working with the owner of Dynavision, Keiko Anaguchi. Keiko-san channeled several ascended masters and Ashtar brought his wisdom to an audience of about 80 people in a very, very special session. What an honor to work with such talented and loving people.

More photos soon, and I hope you are enjoying the video posts too!

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂


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