I truly hope you had a wonderful celebration of the New Year. Now that the festivities are completed once again it is time to turn my attention to the Ashtar events we will be having as the new year begins.
Tonight we begin with a group with Becki Kapono in Rancho Bernardo, at 6:00 PM. Then on Saturday Annette hosts in Bonasall, then Emunah on Tuesday, but you get the idea! To stay current with events in your area please visit my web site at Ladyashtar.com and click on the events tab. That is the quickest way to find a group in your area.
Of course I welcome private sessions as well. You can drop me a note through the web site to schedule a private session, in person, or on the telephone, or on Face Time or Skype. Ashtar is looking forward to helping you live the most powerful life you can live.
And of course I want to remind you about our magnificent Love, Ascension and Beyond seminar which is coming up in February in Sedona, Arizona. All the details are listed under the Sedona Retreat tab on the web site.
My biography is also available through Amazon books. If you click on the cover below you can read a sample before ordering your own copy.
In a group or in a private session, Ashtar and I are here to serve.
Many blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂