As we enter the month of June 2023, what do you see?
Where our attention goes
It’s no secret that where our attention goes, so goes our thoughts. Are you dwelling on the absence of love in your life, or are you dwelling on the love all around us? When you look at a situation, what do you see? Do you see just discord, or do you see the possibility of love?
None of us wants to live in a world absent of love, yet sometimes that is what we see. If this is your experience perhaps a shift of attention is in order.
This months Intentions
For the month of June Ashtar’s Intentions will focus on love; seeing, expressing, receiving and being. There may even be a bonus video where Ashtar discusses why we seem to have such difficulty accepting love. No promises, you understand, simply an intention.
Amazing as it may seem, this is the ninth month of Ashtar’s Intention Series. All of his intentions can be found on my YouTube channel to watch as many times as you wish to help the message sink-in. If you want the earliest possible view of each new posting, simply subscribe to my YouTube channel and just as soon as the video is ready, you will get notification.
Ashtar’s declaration
In this video Ashtar tells us that June 2023 will be a good month for all of us. I can’t wait to see what he is talking about. Will it be prosperity, joy, harmony, love, peace? If you get a moment, I would love to hear from you about what do you see.
Many Blessing of Universal Love,
#secret #expressing #harmony #absence #difficulty #bonus #Partner #YouTube #world #absent #TerrieSymons #shift #situation #seeing #attention #prosperity #negativity #AscendedMaster #accepting #animals #possibility #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #joy #experience #being #peace #receiving #promises #thoughts #positive #heart #TranceChannel #discord #family #dwelling