The Spiritual Principle of Discovery

The Spiritual Principle of Discovery is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

Yes, the Spiritual Principle of Discovery is a real thing.  This makes me feel so much better when I can’t find my purse.  Rather than being forgetful, I am being spiritual when I discover where I left it! Remember the definition Way back in January Ashtar did a video talking about why Spiritual Principles are…

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Rejuvenate yourself

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to rejuvenate yourself!  All this month Ashtar has been speaking to us about how we deal with other people.  We have looked at many aspects of this topic but I think this one really brings the topic into focus. Looking around Just how do you fit into any group?  I’m not talking about…

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Recognize the Self

To recognize yourself is not the same thing as to Recognize Your Self. What’s the difference? When we look closely we see that yourself is the total of what you do, how you look, what you think and those other outside aspects of your third dimensional life.  The Self, on the other hand, is that…

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Mothers Day

Terries Japanese Mom

Yes, Mothers Day is just around the corner.  In addition to being time to make sure you have a gift (if you are blessed to have your Mother with us) it is a great time to think about Love. Unconditional Love Of all the things Mother represents, love has to be the first.  And, it’s…

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Lady Ashtar at Delphi asking the question; Why?

Why, if there is a God, a Universal Presence which loves and supports us, is there war? The eternal question During my visit to the Temple of Apollo and Delphi last month Ashtar addressed the eternal question. The Temple of Delphi is an amazing structure.  Built by hand over 2300 years ago.  People came from…

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Venusian Cosmic Federation

Acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. Learning to look for the good I fully understand that the idea of acceptance of what is happening around us might look like resignation, but think about it.  This Spiritual Principle encourages us to look beyond our limited human viewpoint and see things as they are.  As…

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Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Living in Understanding

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Living in Understanding is one of the first Spiritual Principles Ashtar has chosen to speak about. Understanding or Empathy It doesn’t matter if you want to call it understanding or empathy, what it comes down to is the same.  There are billions of people living on our planet.  Even within the same family, people see…

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The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Emotions are something that are very personal. Working on your emotions Right now I don’t think of anything more personal than what we feel inside.  What we feel inside is often displayed on the outside.  That’s what makes this topic so challenging; if we don’t have a handle on what is inside, how can we…

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Join Ashtar Live

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

You can join Ashtar Live Thursday February 16 from 6:00-9:00PM. The February session Back by popular demand, Ashtar will be live and in person for the Month of Love session.  Without question the most frequent topic during Ashtar sessions revolves around love.  When will I find Love. Where will I find Love.  Is my love…

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