Setting your goals

Recognizing the cornucopia of life that is ours always brings a smile to Lady Ashtar's face

How do you go about setting your goals without also setting up disappointment, frustration, drama and heartbreak?  Well, if you have been watching this month’s videos you know the first key is to allow. Types of goals There are short term goals; those things you want to have happen in the very near future such…

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Learning to allow

Recognizing the cornucopia of life that is ours always brings a smile to Lady Ashtar's face

Learning to allow the Universe to deliver to you exactly what you want, and more, isn’t always as easy as it sounds. The Ego The Ego has such a bad reputation.  An undeserved bad reputation in my mind.  The Ego is what defines our boundaries.  Without boundaries our lives are subject to others definition of…

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