The power of loss

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

As painful as it can be, the power of loss can be transforming. The Paddle Out During our recent visit to the Hawaiian Islands, Brian and I arranged  to be on the island of Maui on August 8.  We had planned to be there the same days in 2023 but the horrific wildfire which destroyed…

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Recognize the Self

To recognize yourself is not the same thing as to Recognize Your Self. What’s the difference? When we look closely we see that yourself is the total of what you do, how you look, what you think and those other outside aspects of your third dimensional life.  The Self, on the other hand, is that…

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To be the Observer

To be the Observer is to see yourself as the Universe sees you

We add so much power to our lives when we take time to be the Observer. Being the Observer What exactly does being the Observer mean?  Have you ever been in a situation where things are happening all around you?  Then, perhaps just for a moment you feel you are standing outside yourself watching everything?…

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