An appreciation Journal

On your “things to do” list why not include keeping an appreciation journal?

The proven benefit of journaling

No doubt you have at some point in your spiritual journey been encouraged to journal.  Why do you think this is such a common suggestion?  Simply because our lives are so filled with experiences it is so easy to overlook the precious moments in our lives.  “Oh, I don’t have to write that down, I will remember it always!” you say.  No sooner said than it slips from our memories.  I know this is true for me.

The truth is we are much better at remembering things that were uncomfortable than things that were joyful.  In reviewing why this may be so, perhaps it goes far back into our genetic make up.  Being able to remember which plants that might harm us would have been a matter of survival.

Working with the Universe

In this weeks intention video Ashtar speaks about the power of affirming to the Universe those experiences we do appreciate.  An Appreciation Journal is another way to communicate with the Unlimited.  Is there any difference between working with the Universe to bring joyful experiences into our lives than perhaps saying thank you to another person for a thoughtful gift?  I honestly don’t think so.  In both cases we are saying thank you.  In any setting acknowledging a gift is appreciated.

Live sessions

Here in this weekly Journal of Appreciation I want to thank those who have contacted me about offering another live session here in the U.S.  I know you have so many questions.   Right now my schedule is focused on my Japanese clients.  I am working five or six days a week with Ashtar fans far to the west.  Even though I sometimes find myself exhausted by the end of the week I do remember to say thank you, even for these long hours.  This series of workshops, classes and private sessions will come to an end around Christmas.  What would you think of getting together close to the end of the year?  I invite you to drop me a note through my email, or and let me know your thoughts.

Meanwhile, give some thought to beginning an Appreciation Journal.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
