Busy, busy, busy

cherry blossoms osaka japan lady ashtar 2020 spring tourYou have probably heard by now that Japan has gone onto the same type of self quarantine process you are probably all too familiar with by now. I am holed in my hotel room almost all the time because I have such loving help from Studio Kara, but once in a while I just have to get outside; know what I mean? I wear my mask, of course, gloves if possible, and wash my hands dozens of times per day. Doing my private and even group sessions via Zoom has required some real creativity, as you can see from one of the photos I have included here. I have also included some pictures of Osaka, which is usually a very busy place just for fun.

Sometimes I get the urge to just offer my love to those following me on Social Media. The next section is just such an urge. Truthfully, Ashtar is sometimes filling my conscious mind with words of love. I hope you enjoy one of those postings I felt drawn to and shared with my Japanese friends just recently.

“It’s springtime when we want to be outside with the Sakura and nature as it blooms into the expression of Universal Love. Each of you has a Universal blossom ready to flower. Your Star Seeds are bright and ready to shine for the world to see. We are all eager to share this time of year as we bid winter good-bye. Please take care to be aware of your health and the love of your families. Remember, you are always protected by Ashtar and your Universal Family.”

Many Blessing of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂