We add so much power to our lives when we take time to be the Observer.
Being the Observer
What exactly does being the Observer mean? Have you ever been in a situation where things are happening all around you? Then, perhaps just for a moment you feel you are standing outside yourself watching everything? This is being the Observer.
When these moments arise it can feel otherworldly, even a bit spooky, but they are true power moments. For that period of time we are no longer caught up in the frantic energy around us. We are seeing ourselves as the Universe sees us. Pretty cool, huh?
Become conscious of the power
When the swirling energies of others scoops us in we are no longer standing in our own power, we are standing outside our power. Learning to be the Observer provides us a beautiful way to step back into our power, to avoid the frenetic energy around us. While we are in that frenetic energy we can find ourselves uncharacteristically upset or anxious. This is not the time or place to make decisions.
The next time you are in a situation where you get to see yourself as the Universe sees you, capture the feeling. Store it in your memory banks. Write down how it feels, anything to help you remember. When, inevitably, swirling energy cause you to loose focus, call upon that memory. Everything will become clear as can be.
Upcoming events
It’s time for our annual visit to Hawaii. This year we are happy to announce that there will be several events during our stay:
August 11 we will be visiting Mana Crystals of Hawaii, right on Waikiki Beach at the Hyatt Regency. Our friend Tomoka is hosting two group sessions with Ashtar. If neither of the Sunday events work for you, please give Brian a call at 760-212-6556 to schedule a private session.
August 14 we scoot over to the Big Island for a group session in Hilo. If you are available please give Brian a call to get more details. A big Mahalo to Paula for setting this session.
This visitation to Hawaii was planned for 2023 but the fire which destroyed Lahaina resulted in a last minute change. On August 8 Ashtar, Brian and I will be participating in a memorial Paddle-out to honor the recovery, healing and growth which has been happening this past year. Even if you cannot be with us that morning we invite you to take a moment in prayer or meditation for a complete and joyful healing of the land, its people, and businesses. Send Aloha from wherever you are between 8:30 and 1:30 Hawaiian time. Mahalo.
See, doesn’t it feel great to be the Observer?
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#decisions #WaikikiBeach #Lahaina #Hawaii #watching #swirling #remember #memories #clear #growth #TerrieSymons #Universe #ManaCrystals #outside #situation #energy #observer #otherworldly #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #recovery #focus #frantic #uncharistically #moment #energies #Power #upset #fade #AmbassadorofLove #waiting #anxious #TranceChannel #capture #healing #falling #spooky #memory