A New Path

Terrie finds a new path

Did you ever wonder if a new path might be the answer to your life? When it’s appropriate Ashtar and I do not recommend a geographical solution to any issues you might be having.  The darn thing is, if we move from where we are to a different location we bring our issues with us.…

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Setting your goals

Setting your goals for joy

How do you go about setting your goals without also setting up disappointment, frustration, drama and heartbreak?  Well, if you have been watching this month’s videos you know the first key is to allow. Types of goals There are short term goals; those things you want to have happen in the very near future such…

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Lady Ashtar at Delphi asking the question; Why?

Why, if there is a God, a Universal Presence which loves and supports us, is there war? The eternal question During my visit to the Temple of Apollo and Delphi last month Ashtar addressed the eternal question. The Temple of Delphi is an amazing structure.  Built by hand over 2300 years ago.  People came from…

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