It is never too late.

As I contemplate the final few hours of this summer tour of Japan my mind goes back over the many, many people who have supported me this past month.  I have done my best to tell each and every one of them how much I appreciate their love, their help, their laughter, but I know…

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The steps of ascension

On a hot, humid July afternoon in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, Lady Ashtar lead a tour of pilgrims up the 2,446 steps of Mount Haguro to a magnificent Shrine.  Mt. Haguro is one of the trio of mountains which represent past, present and future, Haguro represents the present. The trek was 1.7Km and worth every moment of…

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The Shrine in Japan

  Of the thousands of images taken by Terrie Symons and myself, as well as hundreds of other people good enough to help us capture this amazing experience in Japan, this one is right at the top of the list. Our time at this Shrine opened our hearts to a new level, both towards each…

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