Learning to allow

Learning to Allow joy

Learning to allow the Universe to deliver to you exactly what you want, and more, isn’t always as easy as it sounds. The Ego The Ego has such a bad reputation.  An undeserved bad reputation in my mind.  The Ego is what defines our boundaries.  Without boundaries our lives are subject to others definition of…

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Prosperity and Abundance

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day.  Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere.  But what are they working for?  Financial security, of course. You may…

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Rejuvenate yourself

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to rejuvenate yourself!  All this month Ashtar has been speaking to us about how we deal with other people.  We have looked at many aspects of this topic but I think this one really brings the topic into focus. Looking around Just how do you fit into any group?  I’m not talking about…

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Love and light

Learning to Allow joy

You have the amazing power to shape a group with love and light. The group consciousness We are constantly in groups, groups of all shapes and sizes.  But are you aware that your presence affects that group?  This phenomenon has been studied for years.  The simple act of observation (Ashtar’s video August 4) changes the…

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Recognize the Self

To recognize yourself is not the same thing as to Recognize Your Self. What’s the difference? When we look closely we see that yourself is the total of what you do, how you look, what you think and those other outside aspects of your third dimensional life.  The Self, on the other hand, is that…

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Create your own intention

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to create your own intention.  This time it’s personal! You can’t go wrong As long as you remember that an intention is an action step, you can’t go wrong.  In this week’s video Ashtar walks us step by step through ideas to make a custom intention.  What Ashtar and I hope is that…

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Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing.  But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as well? Becoming involved The Spiritual Principle of sharing goes far beyond giving your sister a piece of your chocolate bar.  You are a unique individual.  The talents you have, the wisdom,…

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Spiritual Principle Independence

The Spiritual Principle of Independence carries with it great responsibility

The Spiritual Principle of Independence.  With the 4th of July just around the corner what a perfect principle to examine. More than a word Independence is far more than word.  It is an idea, or an ideal if you wish.  You have free will at every turn.  Our independence allows us to utilize that free…

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What is a Spiritual Principle?

A Spiritual Principle is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

Finally you asked, what is a Spiritual Principle?  Maybe you already asked this question, but this week Ashtar will give you a wonderful definition. Working with Spiritual Principle I guess the first thing to say is, don’t worry about it.  Living life in a conscious way far more important than being able to reel off…

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Spiritual Principle of Easter

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Eggs colored, chocolate ready, but are you ready for the Spiritual Principle of Easter? I did’t know that was a thing! Perhaps you haven’t thought of Easter as a Spiritual Principle, but everything has been there all along.  The entire Biblical story of Easter is about leaving behind that which no longer serves us and…

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