Recognize the Self

To recognize yourself is not the same thing as to Recognize Your Self. What’s the difference? When we look closely we see that yourself is the total of what you do, how you look, what you think and those other outside aspects of your third dimensional life.  The Self, on the other hand, is that…

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Ashtar Zoom

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Happy February!  Did you remember that this Sunday, February 27 we will be having another Ashtar Zoom?  You still have time to join us. It’s Guides and Guardians Yes, this month Ashtar will be telling you who your current guides and guardians are.  He will also be giving you a message, and taking questions.  The…

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Who is the teacher?

Ashtar loves it when people come to him to help resolve whatever is on their hearts, even if the questions are sometimes third-dimensional.  What he tells us is that when we are preoccupied with questions about heath, income, or the well being of another, we cannot ascend.  Freeing ourselves from those questions becomes very important.…

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