Join the revolution!

lady ashtar wisdom - unconditional love

Yesterday my husband, Brian, sat down with Ashtar and the video camera to ask Ashtar what thoughts he wanted to share with you about our times. It was a general question but when we reviewed the session we were surprised to see that Ashtar chose to speak to the wave of protests sweeping our nation.…

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How’s Your Day Going?

lady ashtar wisdom - unconditional love

When I decided the time had come to leave Japan during my spring tour (which was a very difficult decision) and return to California to do the Ashtar work via Zoom, I thought “Well, at least I will have some extra time on my hands”! I don’t know how you are finding this time of…

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Are you suffering?

lady ashtar video - are you suffering

No question about it, many people are suffering during this period of Covid-19 and its related effects. All around us people are offering us the opportunity to find things to be angry about, concerned about and to fear. Today I am dipping back into the video files for a segment Ashtar did about suffering. It…

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The new world in action

ashtar remote teaching 2020 pandemiz

I know many people are experiencing many of the same challenges Ashtar and I have been encountering during these “shelter in place” days. As you know, I had to return from Japan only three weeks into my spring tour, but we haven’t missed a beat. Using Zoom, we have been able to maintain our schedule.…

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Thank you Star Seed Cosmic Festival!

lady ashtar startseed fextival 2020

I am so excited! Yesterday I was invited to take part in a World Wide Web event called the Star Seed Cosmic Festival. It was based in Tokyo and had people from all over Japan sharing their wonderful talents. Naturally the focus was Star Seeds and how their presence shapes our world. I am honored…

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A mask you can enjoy!

two covid ppe masks

While I was still in Japan in March, a friend of ours arranged for a shipment of these washable, reusable masks to be sent to our home. I had the opportunity to try them out while in Japan, and loved them. Now that I am back in California working from home I still love them…

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Making the most

lady ashtar video all about love

Right now each of us has a choice; sink into fear or step into the light. If you have chosen to step into the light, you are truly on your path of ascension. Ascension is not limited to otherworldly experiences, it also includes how you view your current life experience. Ashtar is always available and…

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Whatever you do

Valentines Day 2024 Flash session

I truly hope that you are finding a way to be happy and at least somewhat comfortable during these interesting times. One of the things Ashtar often tells us is that we are responsible for our happiness, and by extension, the happiness of others. Our behavior not only impacts our own experiences, but those of…

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Happy and sad

Winter Solstice

I am very happy because we just completed our largest on-line event to date. Over 1600 people signed up to attend the class and when it concluded we had over 2500 comments. I humbly thank Yukari Kojima and Studio Kara for putting together this wonderful event. Gratitude also goes out to my interpreter Yuka Okawa…

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Busy, busy, busy

cherry blossoms osaka japan lady ashtar 2020 spring tour

You have probably heard by now that Japan has gone onto the same type of self quarantine process you are probably all too familiar with by now. I am holed in my hotel room almost all the time because I have such loving help from Studio Kara, but once in a while I just have…

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