A new era

May first in Japan saw the beginning of a new era.  Emperor Akihito abdicated the throne in favor of his eldest son Naruhito and his wife Masako.  Reiwa (a new era) has begun, so it is very interesting to be here at this turning point in history.  The celebrations were everywhere around Tokyo where Ashtar…

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Heal the future

One thing Ashtar doesn’t do when he teaches is skate around the truth.  In this video Ashtar discusses what the roles of males and females are, based upon our earliest needs.  I know, it might upset some people to look at our roles this way, but there is a reason Ashtar is Ashtar. He is…

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Sagamihara and beyond

I have had some wonderful adventures in Sagamihara, and this time was no exception.  Our salon is high in the sky, with a commanding view of the entire valley.  On a good day even Mt. Fuji can be glimpsed in the distance.     Remember my story of the wonderful Doctor and his wife who…

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