A long time ago

A Spiritual Principle is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

The first time I was at Delphi was a long time ago.  Something along the lines of 3400 years ago.  Needless to say, this was a long delayed homecoming! Spiritual Principles For the past 19 months Ashtar has been giving us Spiritual Principles as a way of sharpening our growth.  Several times during those 19…

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Spiritual Principles

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

Spiritual Principles are the latest addition to the Ashtar Intention Series. Something different As we begin to get comfortable writing 2024, Ashtar has come up with a new addition to augment his Intention Series.  If you have been watching, you know that almost every one of the intention series includes a spiritual principle.  The difference…

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Living in harmony

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Living in harmony with your family is sometimes easy, sometimes not so easy.  What makes the difference? The difference is you! Living in harmony with your family is a personal choice.  I recently heard of a Thanksgiving exchange between brother and sister.  The visiting sister arrived for the afternoon complaining and kept complaining throughout the…

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