The Month of May

Self healing allows us to live life fully

Here in the Month of May things are blooming! Ashtar’s Intention As we continue the Ashtar Intention Series I think even Ashtar is excited about all the wonderful things that are happening around us.  There is a certain excitement in his voice as he gives us this weeks intention: The Light of Love. Living with…

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Osaka has been delightful

For the past week Osaka has been my home away from home and it has been absolutely delightful.  Primarily I have been working with Miwa Tokioka of Osaka Rainbow Angels and my interpreter Chizuko Hanaoka.  These beautiful ladies have taken such good care of me I can hardly express my gratitude. Between the twenty six private…

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Thank you Tokyo!

As you may recall, Ashtar and I have been working in Tokyo with Dynavision since the beginning of June.  I just have to say thank you to all the delightful people who joined us during our Tokyo visit.  The outpouring of love has been heartwarming every day.  And I also want to recognize some of…

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Oh what fun!

As hard as it is for me to imagine, my time in Tokyo is coming to an end.  Normally I change locations and hotels every three to four days, but this time I have been in the same place for a whole month.  Most of that time I have been working through Dynavision, and what…

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Thank you Dynavision!

For the past three weeks Dynavision has been hosting Ashtar and myself as we visited with loving hearts in Tokyo, Osaka and most recently Fukuoka, Japan.  I am so grateful for all the staff of Dynavision who have worked tirelessly to attract those beautiful people seeking Ashtar’s guidance all along the way.  We have had…

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Osaka time!

Nine days of beautiful, wonderful, exciting and love-filled sessions in Tokyo have come to an end.  Over the past days we have done private sessions, a remove activation, a really fun large group session, a couple of group sessions and a visit to Tanashi Shrine.  And that is just the beginning for the Dynavision portion…

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Dragons, Dragons everywhere

I love going out on the excursions my hosts plan for us; this time it was to the Tanashi Shrine in Nishi-Tokyo.  My interpreter, Yoshiyasu Aoki-san and Dynavision coordinator, Nazomi Minetta helped make it a fascinating day of exploration. The Tanashi Shrine is dedicated to Dragons; five of them that work together to liberate the…

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What a wonderful night

This week Ashtar and I had the opportunity to speak before a group of about 80 people for an event held by Dynavision in Tokyo.  I was overwhelmed!  My heart is so full I hardly know what to say.  At the same time my heart is heavy.  I learned that there were a lot of…

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Japan, here I come!

It seems like I just got home from three months in Japan, but here I am again, packing my suitcases as I prepare for seven weeks of sessions.  As much as I love being at my home in San Diego County, USA, I love, love, love being in Japan. The first few weeks of this tour…

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I'm on the move again!

Konnichiwa!  For the past four days Dynavision has been hosting me in wonderful Fukuoka.  This stop on my Spring tour is so much fun!  My hotel is steps from the train station, I shop for groceries on the first floor, Ashtar and I work on the second floor and I sleep on the ninth floor!…

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