Here we are again!

I apologize for the lack of postings the past few days.  We have been traveling.  Akron, Ohio to Chicago, Ill, then on to Haneda International airport in Tokyo.  It is certainly not the longest travel day I have ever had, but 22 hours from my bed in Ohio to my bed in Tokyo is long…

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I am flying away!

In just a few hours I will be boarding an airplane to return to Japan.  I am so excited!!  Yesterday I had the honor of speaking at the Akron Spiritual Center in Ohio.  As much as I enjoy bringing Ashtar through, I have to say it is so much fun to get the opportunity to…

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Sharing my heart

Japan is no stranger to Typhoons and earthquakes.  I have been through several of each while on tour in my second home of Japan.  Recently Osaka and Western Japan had to endure both at almost the same time.  The photos people have shared with me of flooded train stations and earthquake damage have affected me deeply.  …

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Thank you Japan

  I cannot say thank you enough times to fully express my gratitude for all the love Ashtar and I have been shown during my spring 2018 tour of Japan for the past three months.  We have met with well over 750 people, conducted 17 group sessions, gone on 5 excursions to some of the most beautiful…

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Gratitude is a wonderful word and an even a more wonderful feeling.  Right now I am filled with gratitude for the fantastic experiences and the people I have met while on my spring tour of Japan 2018.  Saying thank you is simply not enough, I want to say I love you all. Beginning with  Dynavision,…

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    As the old saying goes; “Woman does not live by bread alone.”  That’s true unless the bread is filled with yummy stuff like at this sandwich shop where we had lunch yesterday in Jarajuku.  The food I get to enjoy while I am here in Japan ranges from simple ramen to ornate, multi-course…

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Ahoy matie!

Brian Graham and I enjoy Sagamihara, which is where I have been working, because it sounds like the name of a Pirate town.  Honestly, it holds very special memories for us, not the least of which is Tenku Salon and Junko Shimoyama and Zoshi-chan who operate this salon in the sky.  We do our sessions in the…

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Nabana No Sato

Should you ever find yourself in Kuwana, Nabana No Sato is a place you will want to visit.  When we started out I was told we would be visiting a rose garden.  Imagine my delight to find myself in this amazing arboretum, surrounded by thousands and thousands of flowers, each more beautiful than the last.…

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The beauty all around me

As I continue my spring tour of Japan I have be treated to some of the most amazing beauty, most of it right before my eyes.  During a rare day off I was invited to tour what was promoted as a Rose Garden.  It turned out roses were just the beginning.  I will share some…

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I just love saying that word, Amanohashidate!  My travels have taken me to what I think of as the south western portion of the main island for  two days with Anemone Magazine and our guide Okayama-San to one the most amazing areas in Japan.  This is a “sand bar” planted with over 8000 pine trees…

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