To Be Love

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

To be love.  Now that is a goal we can all reach. Doing, not talking What I mean by this is simple.  We often speak of wanting love.  We want to feel and receive love.  The way to achieve both these quests is not to talk about it, but to be it. The same is…

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Forgiveness of Others

Ashtar Venusian Symbol Card deck

Forgiveness of Others is something we have heard and talked about many, many times.  This week Ashtar will go a little deeper into the how’s and why’s of forgiving others. Our mental health So much of the idea of forgiveness,  comes down to our own mental health.  I am certain you have heard; “Unforgiveness is…

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Learn the lesson

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Don’t bring the past into the Spring, learn the lesson and move on. Ah yes, Spring is here As Spring comes into full bloom we are invited to expand in so many ways.  Perhaps love is on the way, or in full bloom.  We may be discovering things about ourselves we had forgotten.  Certainly if…

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